Wednesday, July 8, 2009


I receive alerts every day for various subjects and it surprises me how many there are for Natalee Holloway. While it is important to keep her memory alive, after reading many of the articles, I can only wonder if the purpose of most, if not all of them, is merely to keep the writer alive in the Internet community. I've seen everything from speculation on what happened to Natalee, which often times comes directly from her father's book, to thoughts about why Natalee was not a victim, but that she brought her disappearance on herself either through stupidity or intention. Is there a noble motive amongst the continuing babble? I dare say that I can't find one. We know everything there is to know about the case and while the only people of true interest to listen to now are Natalee's parents, Dave and Beth, herds of bloggers and other amateur writers continuously throw their opinions out there as though they mean something. I'd like one day to go by where I can read something actually interesting or new about Natalee's case. I'd like some progress to be made in the case. I'd like to see those responsible for her disappearance brought to justice. Mostly, I'd like Dave and Beth to find some peace in all of the turmoil they have been swept up in over the past four years. I doubt they will find it online. Perhaps those who think they are doing a great service by throwing out their own opinions are really just feeling some self-importance. Perhaps they have nothing better to do. Perhaps they think they are helping in some small way. But, continuously rehashing the details that we have all seen over and over and discussing the pain that Natalee's parents must be feeling serves no other purpose than to blow hot air. Let's use some discretion and intelligence when and if we decide we need to write about Natalee and her family. Don't do it just to see your words in print. Don't do it to tell us that the case isn't solved or that Natalee's family hasn't found any justice. Think before you write. Think about why you are writing your words. If you can't come up with a good reason, find something else to do!

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